Danis Tanovic (director, 2002 Academy Award for best foreign language film), Bianca Jagger (activist), H..M. Queen Noor of Jordan, H.R.H. the Duchess of Castro (Philanthropist), Marianne Denicourt (actress), Radu Mihaileanou (director, awarded at Sundance, Berlin, Venice).
Danis Tanovic (director, 2002 Academy Award for best foreign language film), Bianca Jagger (activist), H..M. Queen Noor of Jordan, H.R.H. the Duchess of Castro (Philanthropist), Marianne Denicourt (actress), Radu Mihaileanou (director, awarded at Sundance, Berlin, Venice)
Rama Yade.
Rama Yade
Bernard Kouchner, Jody Williams.
Bernard Kouchner & Jody Williams
Screenings 2007 : Films such as Turtles Can Fly by Bahman Ghobadi and “No Man’s Land” by Danis Tanovic emphasized the horrors caused by landmines and the importance of the fight to ban them.

Debates 2007 : The ensuing debate increased public awareness on the devastating impact of cluster bombs and landmines. The public statement of H.M. Queen Noor of Jordan, the support of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco and H.R.H. the Princess of Hanover, the presence of a delegate from the French Ministry of Defense, Jane Birkin and Sharon Stone together with ICBL, The Red Cross, Handicap International, brought a valuable support to the Nobel Laureate for Peace Jody Williams and her actions.

Actions 2007 :

Humanitarian : Donation to the association “Spasiom Pakalenie” to aid young victims of landmines in Chechnya.

Political : Nobel Laureate for Peace Jody Williams pleaded for the treaty to ban cluster bombs in a meeting with the French Minister of Foreign Affairs Bernard Kouchner who made official France’s commitment. The Secretary of State in charge of Human Rights, Rama Yade also met with Jody Williams and expressed her support in favor of a Treaty.

Educational : A financial contribution (30,000€) was made for the production of the documentary Year Zero for the NGO “Cambodia Landmine Museum”, to increase public awareness of the consequences of landmines in Cambodia.
Les Tortues Volent Aussi by Bahman Ghobadi.
No Man’s Land by Danis Tanovic.
Screenings : The film Je Veux Voir / I want to see by Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige, starring Catherine Deneuve, brought attention to the current situation in Lebanon. During the Cinéma Vérité 2008 closing ceremony, excerpts of the film Under the Bombs, by Lebanese filmmaker Philippe Aractingi, reminded us to never forget the suffering of civilians, particularly the victims of landmines and cluster bombs.

Debates : A debate with Catherine Deneuve, several representatives of the United Nations, a Lebanese government official and filmmaker Philippe Aractingi was broadcasted on Abu Dhabi National TV.

Actions : A great number of participants to the 2008 Cinéma Vérité Tribunes signed the ICBL appeal to encourage all countries to join the Treaty banning cluster bombs. Cinéma Vérité supports the 2009 release of the film Year Zero about the landmine situation in Cambodia which was partially financed by the Cinéma Vérité Fund.
"Je Veux Voir" by Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige, with Catherine Deneuve.
► Internationales Tribunes Cinema Verite 2007
► Internationales Tribunes Cinema Verite 2008
► Internationales Tribunes Cinema Verite 2009
  ► Cinema Verite Prizes 2008  

► Cinema Verite Program 2009